Sunday 9 June 2024

Winding up

A bright sunshine and clear blue sky day. Half the packing done after breakfast, then an early drive to San Miguel. I was relieved to find an empty parking  place close to the Plaza de Andalusia. It's been a worry every Sunday of my stay, as the streets are narrow, and empty spots few and far between, so it can absorb time when it's needed to help prepare for the Eucharist. There were only fifteen of us this morning, with several regulars away and several more leaving at the end of their 90 day stay. It was just John, Judith and I at Bar Atalaya after the service.

I went straight back to Church House, washed a shirt to travel in, confident it will dry in this heat and completed cooking lunch, having started yesterday to free up time today for packing and cleaning up. One more trip down to the rubbish bins. One more hill climb in the cool of the evening, then as much rest as I can get for a six o'clock wake up, ready for the taxi at 06.40.

In this sojourn in Nerja, I've not explored any new places, but visited a few familiar places several times with different visitors. For reasons I don't understand being so isolated has impeded me from adventuring. It's made me extra cautious and routinely careful, as I was on locum in Estepona two years ago. Driving there on unfamiliar congested roads was very stressful. That I believe was due to that not yet untreated left eye cataract. My left eye is fine now, but the right eye cataract has worsened, and I need to work hard to be sure I'm reading the road and everything else around me safely. I'm not sure if really bright sunshine is a help or hindrance. No idea how long I will have to wait, or where I am on the NHS list. One way or another, it will be a relief to get home, and have company again, and not have to be giving out to others all the time when I go to church. Time for a respite.

In an effort to use up all the remaining fresh veg, I stewed the remaining mushrooms, a red onion and a tomato, with a small tin of mussles. Then before going to bed, I made sandwiches for breakfast and the journey. A rye bread sandwich with pickled boquerones. Two delicious treats to send me on my way.  

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