Tuesday 4 June 2024

Soft collision

Another very bright hot sunny day. Hand washing to do after breakfast, and around noon, a drive to town to visit the church shop. As I reached the Mesonera roundabout, a car sped around it without signalling so I had to brake quickly to stop at the give way sign. The car behind me skidded on the very slippery surface of the pedestrian crossing and bumped into the car at a low enough speed not to cause any damage, nor to bang my head on the headrest. Fortunately, modern car bumpers are designed to absorb a low speed impact

It was quite a shock, but I was relieved to find the back bumper un-marked or cracked. The driver of the small van behind me was equally relieved that all was well. I took a photo of his car's registration plate, which he said was damaged in a previous accident. In any case there was no protruding part of my car's bumper at a height that could damage his number plate. So both of us drove on, having accepted 'no pasa nada', as they say around here.

After an hour chatting in the shop, I did the main week's grocery shopping in the Mercadona and returned to Church House. Lunch was the second instalment of what I cooked yesterday with added fresh tomatoes. Afterwards I prepared the Morning Prayer text and wrote a biblical reflection for a week Thursday, both of which I recorded and edited in the evening. 

Before supper I took the recycling bag down to the bins and walked backed to the morning's collision site to take a photo of it. The crossing had several black skid marks right across. It needs restoration to a safe condition. Walking back up Tamango Hill, I was aware of the acrid scent of manure on the evening breeze. It's happened several times lately. Loads of fresh manure from a horse or donkey stable have been delivered and dumped in the avocado orchard on the other side from the road for spreading among the bushes.

I drove the car on to the forecourt of the house and washed two months of fine dust from it with a few bowls of water, partly to check if the morning's collision had left traces, but it hadn't. I'm finding the heat tiring, so it's early bed again for me tonight.

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