Saturday 29 June 2024

Penarth family outing

A cool and cloudy morning to start with, but the sky cleared and the temperature went up. Clare was first up cooking Saturday pancakes, then myself, and then Owain, Kath, Rhiannon and Rachel in that order, all waking up slowly, needing a shower, and then breakfast. By midday we were ready to drive to Penarth, as Owain requested for a birthday treat. Everyone apart from Clare and I live a long way from the sea, so it was a a universally popular request. The tide was in and starting to go out, which made it possible to have a paddle later in the afternoon.

It didn't seem particularly busy or crowded, but we had to park further from the promenade than usual and walk down to the pier for something to eat, and later go on the beach. There's a very nice friendly cafe on the pier, catering for all dietary needs, and this was much appreciated. Rhiannon then fancied some chips, delivered nowadays in a posh cardboard box with a logo and Fish and Chips written on the side. Perfect for one of the foodie selfies for those who like such things. 

On the slow return journey we dropped Owain off in Canton to get the bus into town, as he wanted to visit M&S to buy swimming trunks and socks, not to mention more wine. He wanted to buy a new swimming costume when we were together in Nerja, but there was no opportunity for that kind of shopping in the few days we had together. M&S is his go-to store anyway, so all is well.

When we got back, Rhiannon went for a run - she's training to run a half marathon in the autumn in memory of a friend who committed suicide, and asks for sponsors to support a youth suicide charity. The rest of us went for a walk in Pontcanna fields for an hour, until it was time to order takeaway pizza for supper, for everyone but Rachel, whose gluten and dairy free diet require her to devise her an alternative. Fortunately this isn't problem with the stock of fresh food kept in our fridge. More of a problem was managing six large cardboard pizza boxes around the dining table, as there was no room for them, so the top of the piano, the clavichord and the sideboard had to be used instead. Later I went for another shorter walk in Llandaff Fields with Rachel before settling down for the night. She loves to be out enjoying the green fields as much as she can when she's here. It's what she misses more living in Arizona.

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