Wednesday 19 June 2024

Back to the usual routine

A return to a bright clear sky this morning. I walked on the beach to collect a few shells before breakfast. We packed and loaded the car after we'd eaten, then headed back to Cardiff, getting home about half past eleven. Clare cooked lunch while I went to retrieve this week's veggie bag. After lunch I went to the GP surgery to collect my three monthly prescription, only to find it had already been sent to the pharmacists across the road. Being a Wednesday, the pharmacy was closed in the afternoon, so it was a wasted journey. I needed a few things from the shops and there was this week's Coop groceries to buy. Eventually I got around to unpacking my case.

After supper, I prepared next week's Morning Prayer and Reflection ready for recording. Then I started to watch a new Spanish crimmie called 'Hierro' set in the remote second smallest of the Canary Islands. It's reminiscent of 'Shetland', except that bananas and other fruit are the cash generator rather than undersea oil. Law enforcement is in the hands of the Guardia Civil presided over by a lone judge who has her work cut out ensuring justice is genuinely done. Interesting, and very different from the a crimmie set in a more populous and sophisticated holiday island.

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